Sunday, 30 September 2012

International Association of RAF welcomes Dave Vickers

This month,

I would first like to thank and congratulate David Vickers.

Dave is quite well known and has 40 years martial arts experience. He comes from a Thai boxing background and later moved into self protection.

He expressed an interest in Russian All-Round Fighting which resulted in many conversations and a two day assessment was arranged.

Dave is a straight talking but nice guy with a good sense of humour. He arrived on the Friday night and with two hard days ahead he went to bed early.

10 am
Fisticuffs: we were on the beach early that day for lessons in Russian boxing. The moves were shown, the rain fell and after some sparring we went home for lunch.

Kick fighting wrestling: along with training with a Russian national champion Dave was able to train with English president, Leigh Till, neither of whom like the easy ride.

In total, training lasted about 6/7 hours I seem to remember.

On Sunday we looked at weapons training:
We trained with the bayonet, a stick and a knife. This was not Dave’s preferred style from the 8 RAF disciplines, but in all fairness he picked them up fast, scoring some great points.

At the end of the day we played some games using different terrain, learning to fall on uneven ground/ fight on uneven ground and many other RAF techniques.

After two days of very intensive training Dave Vickers is authorised by me along with the International Association of Russian All-Round Fighting.
Well done Dave Vickers

Chest I Slava

You can contact Darrin at:

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